25 reasons why you should never go shopping with your kids!
Shopping with kids can quickly descend into utter chaos. They get bored, want us to buy them a treat, need the toilet every 30 seconds, decide to have a tantrum for no apparent reason or suddenly go AWOL the moment our back is turned...

So in honor of all patient parents out there and to forewarn any future moms and dads, check out these 25 photos of kids that prove why they should have been left at home with a babysitter!
1. Because any shopping trip that lasts more than 5 minutes is enough to unleash their inner beast
2. And they don't care if they're with their mom, dad or a grandparent!
3. When you have to literally drag your child away from the candy aisle
4. Note to self: Next time wear a short cardigan
5. "Someone please help me! I can't take this anymore!"
6. "What? Now she's stopped to talk to someone!"
7. When they hope the shop mannequins will take pity on them
8. How often has your kid played hide and seek with you in a clothes store?
9. And girls are just as good at hiding as boys!
10. Because fridges and freezers are, for some strange reason, fun...
11. Two minutes after you told your son not to touch anything...
12. The moment your kids realize that you're all going on a shopping spree...
13. She may be sulking, but at least she's staying put!
14. When your kid finds some Lego and takes out his anger on Kermit
15. When your toddler decides to play 'building blocks' whilst you shop
16. Never, we repeat NEVER, leave your kids unsupervised at a make-up counter
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17. When you start your shift in the toy section...
18. The most embarrassing thing that you could do to a young kid!
19. We wonder how long it will be before his little sister also has a hissy fit
20. "Hey, I've found a really cool game we can play!"
21. "I'm losing the will to live..."
22. When your son doesn't want to leave the shopping cart at the store
23. What's worse than taking your son shopping? Taking his friends as well!
24. A life hack genius in the making
25. Cuteness overload... Although they don't look too impressed!
Next time you see a parent shopping with a child offer them your congratulations for being so brave and to all moms and dads out there - Good Luck, we're rooting for you! What about you? Any shopping with kids anecdotes you'd like to share with us?

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!