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  4. 27 incredible photos that you've probably never seen before

27 incredible photos that you've probably never seen before

Think how boring life would be if 'incredible' things didn't exist! Some may be thanks to Mother Nature, others may be due to our creative abilities. Whatever the case, you have to admit that we live in an extraordinary world!

Illustration : "27 incredible photos that you've probably never seen before"

Do you think you've seen it all? Then read on and be prepared for a surprise... Here are 27 incredible photos that prove our point!

1. Cars being transported in Africa

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© unknown author / imgur

2. Matthias Schlitte, an arm-wrestling world champion!

3. A frozen lake in Switzerland

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© UdderTime / reddit

4. A quadruple rainbow

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© Lawlnut / reddit

5. A railway line that was deformed by an earthquake in New Zealand

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© Palana / reddit

6. A giant oyster mushroom!

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© Konstruktor33 / pikabu

7. No, it's not snow, just huge webs left behind after a 'spider migration'

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© DoctorKitty / imgur

8. A tree in Tanzania!

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© unknown author / imgur

9. This is what methane frozen in water looks like!

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© DoctorKitty / imgur

10. The moon's shadow after a solar eclipse

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© HolyShitZoom / imgur

11. Baby panda heart!

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© aerowindwalker / reddit

12. When a parrot misses his tropical rainforest

Illustration de l'article : 27 incredible photos that you've probably never seen before

© Mymbaka / pikabu

13. When a snow drift forms a donut

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© DoctorKitty / imgur

14. A stunning dress made from 6,000 leaves!

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© huyanni4 / twitter

15. Ice crystals floating on the sea

Illustration de l'article : 27 incredible photos that you've probably never seen before

© DoctorKitty / imgur

16. The food chain caught on camera

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© kennedyOgyrec / pikabu

17. This stunning pattern was made by a male puffer fish trying to attract a mate

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© DoctorKitty / imgur

18. A fire tornado

Illustration de l'article : 27 incredible photos that you've probably never seen before

© DoctorKitty / imgur

19. Fingers won't prune in water if they're not bent!

Illustration de l'article : 27 incredible photos that you've probably never seen before

© Faxmaq / pikabu

20. A woodpecker eating an earthworm!

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© welcometosuplexcity / reddit

21. Mating moths!

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© AwkwardGirl4691 / imgur

22. A flock of sheep, before and after they were sheared

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© dittidot / reddit

23. An albino bear!

24. Birds lit up by a fire as they cross smoke-filled clouds

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© TrustMeAmInvisible / imgur

25. When a spotlight grows a beard!

Illustration de l'article : 27 incredible photos that you've probably never seen before

© golovoeb / pikabu

26. A mushroom-shaped iceberg

27. A plane passing in front of a solar eclipse

Illustration de l'article : 27 incredible photos that you've probably never seen before

© Chemicalbody / pikabu