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  3. 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

This world is absurd! Not totally, but partially anyway. It’s hard to think otherwise when you see these 27 nonsense treasures.

Illustration : "27 of the most nonsensical things in the world"


1. These unnecessary stairs

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

2. A banana case

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

3. This city that has apparently decided to get rid of a few bicyclists

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

4. This remarkable crosswalk

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

5. This diabolical invention

6. This emergency exit

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

7. This moccasin-boot

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

8. This building with a lot of finesse

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

9. This magical portal

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

10. This USB extension which extends only a few millimeters. Thanks to WHOM?

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

11. The vital nature of this translation

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

12. The vital nature (yet again) of this peephole

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

13. This magical barrier, the cousin of the magical portal (No. 9)

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

14. This hanging door

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

15. This windshield wiper...or rather this car wiper (no window)

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

16. This genius design

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

17. Restroom stalls for those who have nothing to hide

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

18. This treadmill-scooter

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

19. The bus stop where no bus stops

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

20. This sign is useless and knows it

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

21. Sadistic parking lot

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

22. This ramp for stuntmen in wheelchairs

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

23. Subtitles that make the French look good

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

24. This note addressed to people who use vending machines, who come to vending machines that have no note... Do you follow?

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

25. These steps to... nowhere

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

26. Role reversal

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world

27. This urban planning wonder

Illustration de l'article : 27 of the most nonsensical things in the world