27 people who were blessed by a stroke of good luck
Have you ever had a close shave with death? Have you ever been in a situation where you've thanked your lucky stars? Whether it's a potential accident or simply life lending you a helping hand, there's no better feeling than having luck on our side as these photos prove!

Here are 27 people who managed to steer clear of certain disaster or had a happy surprise thanks to a stroke of luck. What about you? Has Lady Luck ever come to your rescue? Share your stories with us!
1. Not even a scratch!
2. Disaster avoided by a hair's breadth!
3. When perfect balance saves your life
4. The bowls didn't fall, although how they managed to open this cupboard with any breakages remains to be seen!
5. Nothing life endangering, but imagine you're in a real hurry and find that all the checkouts are free!
6. "I got a huge donut as there was some pastry left over!"
7. Now that's what we call a close shave!
8. When 3 cars are left unscathed!
9. A few millimeters to the left and this person would have ended up in ER!
10. Imagine the chance of your cell phone landing this way round!
11. When a big, clunky key saves the day!
12. When you open your Cheetos to find a giant puff
13. When your chocolate bar is full of crunch
14. When Oreo make a welcome mistake!
15. When you get this question in an exam paper!
16. Finding a four-leaf clover is one thing, but what a five-leaf one?
17. "I bought a damaged lemon tree as it was cheap and it's just produced the biggest lemon ever!"
18. When a frozen pizza actually has lots of topping
19. When a truck is only a few centimeters lower than the tunnel's ceiling
20. When your Kit Kat has more chocolate than wafer!
21. When you manage to buy the biggest banana on Earth!
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22. Not a spot of yoghurt on the lid - how often does that happen?
23. When a squirrel falls off the roof, but lands on a soft spot and scampers away!
24. When you were this close to losing your fingers!
25. When your avocado has a teeny weeny stone!
26. When the local cheerleader team invites you to share their Jacuzzi!
27. Poor little guy - one life saved, but he must have been scared witless!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!