27 photos that prove Dubai deserves its 7-star status!
Dubai has been a luxury market leader for a while... Home to the 7-star Burj Al Arab Jumeirah, a favorite celebrity haunt and packed with some of the glitziest shopping malls on the planet, this is one country full of Middle Eastern promise! Some visitors may feel it's lost its soul, but if you love the easy life and have a few million bucks stashed away, then this is one for your bucket list!

If, however, a trip to Dubai is out of your league, then check out these 30 snaps for a virtual tour of a destination where the streets are lined with gold…
1. Solid gold PS4, yours for only $11,000...
2. Why top your cappuccino with froth when you can have gold leaf?
3. What's better than a Jacuzzi? A Jacuzzi above the clouds!
4. True fact: a lot of high-end cars are abandoned in Dubai's airport parking lots!
5. He's gonna do a lot more damage in a few years' time!
6. Although this poor cub's had his upper canines removed... We hope he keeps his claws!
7. When a bear hug's replaced by a lion hug! We love the way this guy's completely at ease with his feline friend!
8. When you go window shopping for 24ct gold bars...
9. Luxury car, especially color-coordinated to go with the local camels
10. In-car entertainment's common in Dubai taxis (sadly, not pure gold!)
11. The most beautiful Starbucks in the world
12. A very expensive, dazzling smile!
13. You bought the PS4, now for a solid gold smartphone
14. Feeling jealous? Imagine this covered in bird poop...
15. A place where the cops drive Lamborghinis.
16. And where the kids happily scribble on dad's favorite toy! Wonder if they got grounded...
15. Where the number of boutiques selling gold products exceeds the number of grocery stores.
14. Spend your vacation in an undersea world! (Remember Jaws 3?)
15. This is one very patient lion.
16. A place where any pet's welcome on board
17. The biggest gold ring in the world. And probably the most vulgar too!
18. Fancy a drop of camel milk in your coffee?
19. Camel milk chocolate. Yummy or barfy?
20. Dubai's mermaid and shark show (eek!)
21. Save up and hire a killer whale submarine for the day!
22. An activity that'll bring out your inner Iron Man!
23. When you decide to max out your card...
24. Imagine if they caught a virus!
25. For when you need a bit of luxury time on your own
26. So blue, it almost looks unreal
27. A stomach-churning meets exhilarating giant zip-line!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!