28 funny photos of people living life to the full
We're all kids at heart, but with the stress and strains of everyday life, we can sometimes forget our playful inner self. Even so, some people manage to always look on the bright side of and their child-like optimism is often contagious!

Here are 28 'children at heart' who decided to live life to the full and make the most of every opportunity. What about you? Does your playful side often surface? Are you a 'the glass is half full or half empty' person?
1. When you decide to co-ordinate your family's fancy dress costumes
2. When your wrap your cat rather than your baby in 'swaddling clothes'
3. Two people getting on with life after the Houston hurricane
4. When this woman went back to work after her maternity leave she found her co-workers had made her an office garden complete with a gnome!
5. When you're happy to show off your best dad dance
6. This guy's granddaughter chose a Medieval theme for her wedding!
7. This guy's wife went on a 3-week business trip, so he sent her this snap to show how much he missed her...
8. This 73 year-old man went to see The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey dressed as Gandalf!
© Fides-et-Gratia / reddit.com
9. When you're the only adult on the fairground ride!
© AnarchoCapitalist / reddit.com
10. When you've baked a delicious cake but need to test it before serving it to your kids!
11. This 91 year-old man fought in WW2. One day he went to a military museum and sat behind a B24 plane's machine gun - the very same plane he piloted during the war!
12. When your boyfriend buys a new shower curtain
13. A woman took a photo of her friends at a barbecue and then posted this on her social networks!
14. When he got home, this guy spent 30 minutes looking for his girlfriend. He was just about to call the cops when she emerged from underneath the couch!
© StandardsRaised / twitter.com
15. We love this fancy dress idea!
16. This woman just had to have this life size Austin Powers placard!
17. This woman's neighbor loves dressing up as a hotdog and taking a nap on the lawn
18. It was a Christmas dress-up day at the office and this woman totally nailed it!
19. This guy when out to buy his pregnant wife some frozen yoghurts and came back with this!
20. This Mark Hamill doppelganger when to see the latest Star Wars installment dressed up as Luke Skywalker!
21. This guy's wife forgot about her pregnancy shoot appointment, so he decided to take her place!
22. This guy challenged his girlfriend to shave his leg whilst he slept without waking him up... He not only got shaved but also an awesome pedicure!
© Potatoprincessax2 / reddit.com
23. Hilarious! At least one dinosaur survived to warn humans about solar eclipses!
24. How to prank your roommates!
25. When your roommate appreciates your gift!
26. This guy has to keep his webcam on to show his boss that he's not skipping off work, but no one said there were any rules about not dressing up as a wizard!
27. "It's my bubble gum so I can do what I want."
28. When your grandma forces you to go grocery shopping...

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!