28 people who deserve our sympathy after having had the work day from Hell!
Some days get off to a bad start and things just continue to go downhill. It may because we wake up in a bad mood and spend the day feeling grumpy, but sometimes it's because absolutely everything we touch seems to end in disaster!

Here are 28 people who deserve a virtual hug after having had the worst work day ever...
1. A journalist who was in the wrong place at the wrong time
2. When a simple repair job turns into a total disaster
3. When it's time to head home and you happen to glance out of the window
4. When you forget to unplug a couple of wires...
5. A life-guard at the Olympics about to die from boredom
6. When you're exhausted and have just realized you've got a flat tire
7. Why did the chicken cross the road?
8. "Yeah hi, got a little problem..."
9. When an elevator decides to eat your vacuum cleaner
10. "This deer just wandered into our office and it was up to us to set if free..."
11. That's one huge omelet!
12. The day you had to tell your boss that every single bottle got smashed
13. In case you ever wondered what a shoe store looks like at the end of Black Friday
14. When road workers forget to leave a warning sign
15. The moment you realize that a wipeout's imminent
16. Walking on egg shells - literally!
17. When you realize the ceiling could fall on your head at any moment
18. When Windows decides to steal the show...
19. Well, corn is yellow, so at least they got the color right!
20. When you overload your truck and thank your lucky stars that there wasn't a car behind
21. When you play dominoes with some cargo
22. Oh boy, he must be so pissed!
23. When the container of paint decides to explode
24. Now that's a very close call...
25. They only had one job...
26. When an employee follows instructions down to the last letter
27. Grrr - so annoying when this happens!
28. This almost looks like a contemporary work of art
What about you? Ever had a work day from Hell? Share your stories with us!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!