30 everyday situations that would drive anyone crazy!
Despite our individuality, there are so many mundane situations that would drive anyone crazy, no matter how patient they are! And sometimes it's the teeniest of things that make us grind our teeth and want to throttle whoever's responsible!

Here are 30 everyday situations that would put anyone's patience to the test...
1. Anyone who has a cat knows that they love knocking things over on purpose. But why oh why did it have to a pan of bolognaise sauce?
2. Cat owners also know that felines love lounging around so they can then leave muddy footprints all over the couch, bed, us...
3. This girl's so bendy, it's irritating!
4. When two brothers both win the lottery...
5. When you try to mend the photocopier with disastrous results
6. How many of you are guilty of doing this?
7. It only takes 30 seconds to change a roll... Grrr
8. When you forget that gravity exists
© khaled-prettyflaco.tumblr.com
9. When you buy a tasty-looking jam donut only to find this!
10. Welcome to a morning meltdown
11. NOOOOOO! Why???
12. Because some people like living on the edge
13. If you thought the jam donut was frustrating, how about this?
14. When someone offers you a chocolate treat...
15. Or rather an entire box of chocolates...
16. When you hate M&Ms and Reese's Pieces, but love Skittles
17. The day your pizza decided to melt
18. When your pressure cooker explodes
© NineteenSeventyFour/imgur.com
19. The day you were so tired you fell asleep on the way home
20. Yes, dogs will chew on anything!
21. Your flight's just about to leave and you spot a guy repairing the engine mount with sticky tape!
22. An alternative Halloween Jack-o'-lantern
23. When you leave your kids alone in the bathroom for five minutes
24. Or unsupervised at a make-up counter
© Extraordinary Life Makeup Artistry/facebook.com
25. When your baby's face is used as a canvas
26. The day your dog realizes there's a new baby in town
27. "I'm just having a quick bath..."
28. Ahh, this person must be so pissed!
29. This owner took her corgi to a parlor for a heart-shape tail cut. When she returned to pick him up, this is what she found!
30. When your Husky gets mange and the vet has no choice but to shave off its fur
So which photos make you grit your teeth the most? Share your comments with us below!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!