30 people who really should give up their day job
In every job there are those who perform tasks with flying colors and others who really need to think about a career change. When it comes to design or practical workmanship, whenever a professional messes up, their errors are there for the world to see... And in some cases the result can be terrifyingly dangerous!

Here are 30 such examples where someone only had one job to do and still managed to get it wrong!
1. Saving space is one thing, peeing on the guy next to you is another...
2. When you're a patriotic Polish illustrator and your boss asks you to design a globe
3. When One Direction goes in all directions...
4. When an educational organization turns you into an 'A' in the hope of increasing student numbers
5. Thanks to this device, your Rottweiler will turn into a Dobermann!
6 When you suddenly realize why the radiator isn't working
7. When Superman looks like his face has been flattened by a bus
8. Imagine finding these on your wedding cake!
9. The scariest buttons in the history of fashion...
10. When two photo cushions look like something out of a horror movie
11. We bet you didn't know that Cinderella has a giraffe neck...
12. Yes, men with four arms do exist!
13. Nothing like a positive message to start the day...
14. Poor model - imagine having this in your portfolio
15. When a cycle lane turns into a suicide mission
16. Because everyone wants an inflatable float that looks like a sanitary towel
17. Just looking at this is enough to give us a migraine!
18. When an interior designer wants you to break your neck
19. Be careful if you plan to advertise a product or service on a car!
20. Since when did mice have two noses?
21. Not sure if this is going to really help promote the product...
22. Just a four-legged duck...
23. So we guess that means gender neutral?
24. How to sell products made in 2010 seven years' later!
25. We sure hope Emma Watson never sees this!
26. Someone should have paid more attention in geography class
27. Oh my, who in their right mind would wear these shorts? The worst place ever to place a red flower!
28. Imagine trying to move furniture in and out of this block!
29. Nice idea, shame they're in completely the wrong place!
30. Hiding the toilet paper in a discreet place is one thing, making it inaccessible to anyone who doesn't have Inspector Gadget arms is an entirely different matter!
So have you seen any designs or product ideas that are completely ludicrous? Share your comments and photos with us below!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!