30 people who should give up the day job
Construction, renovation, merchandising, design... they're all specialist fields.
Which is why so many companies call in professionals when they want a good job doing quickly.

But what happens when a professional screws up? Do you sue, as many companies have done? Or do you just let it slide and hope no one will notice?
Our advice? Don't assume that a so-called expert really knows their job! Here are 30 photos that show just how bad things can get!
1. In case you want to wash your feet
2. This is creepy with a capital 'C'
3. Mutant chick available in a store near you
4. These road workers deserve a medal
5. Fancy a menstruating cup of tea?
6. So that's why there's never a winner
7. Extra anti-theft measure?
8. Uh, OK
9. Someone has no sense of direction
10. Just pray that the firefighters don't get stuck in a jam
11. For stair-climbing wheelchairs
12. Marvel, you need to fire someone. Now!
13. How to keep out intruders
14. Winnie after a visit to the dentist
15. An ambiguous lawn sign
16. Because Europe doesn't really exist
17. Try this after a few beers!
18. Words fail us...
19. We love a good double entendre!
20. We hope they're referring to the end of a sentence...
21. When you're better off taking the stairs
22. For multi-legged women
23. The Conehead invasion has begun
24. Beware of sliding doors...
25. Breathe in!
26. No it's not chocolate or poop - this is actually part of the design!
27. Tender meat
28. Don't try this at home!
#29 Do NOT mix these up!
30. Electrical safety at its best

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!