31 photos that show how harsh some winters can be
We either love or hate winter. Gray days, cold weather, rain, snow, ice, nightfall at 5:00pm... Winter can certainly slow life down! On the plus side, kids can play in the snow, winter sports fans will head to the slopes and the landscapes can be stunning. So, even if you despise the colder months, there can be a positive side.

And yet, there are always those days when we yearn for the return of summer. Here are 31 photos that show daily life during a harsh winter. They're enough to make our teeth chatter! What about you, are you a fan of snowy winters? Or do you prefer lazing on a sunny beach?
1. When you wake up to this
2. Praying that the sunshine lasts
3. Keep your distance if you're driving behind this
4. Just when you need to fill up on gas
5. Lift the wipers so you can find you car in the morning
6. When the hydrant bursts and forms an ice rink
7. Always remember to close your car windows
8. Anyone seen the baby?
9. This is why we mentioned windscreen wipers
10. Upon returning from vacation...
11. When snow slowly invades
12. Trapped mid-flight
13. A can of soda that passed the night outside
14. At least they have a sense of humor!
15. After a flood
16. When even the cistern freezes
17. A creepy effect!
18. The problem with public restrooms
19. Imagine having to tunnel your way out of your home
20. Ever seen what alligators do in winter?
© Shallotte River Swamp Park / facebook
They need to breathe and this is the only way!
21. When surfers love winter waves
22. Spot the mountain
23. He forgot his hat...
24. He only went out to fetch the mail
25. No way this car is going to start!
26. Use a stalagmite as a sword!
27. Nope, not worth freezing your butt off!
© therealchickenchaser / imgur
28. When howling winds do this
29. The beauty of a frozen waterfall
30. When the downpipe freezes
31. Looks like it snowed during the night

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!