33 comparisons between places from famous films and what they look like today! Which ones have changed the most?
A movie fan named Phil Grishayev took the initiative to visit all the famous places from our favorite movies, to photograph what they look like today and share these pictures on his Instagram account, to the delight of moviegoers.

1. X-Files
2. Back to the Future
3. Training Day
4. Terminator
5. The Mask
6. Rush Hour
7. Lethal Weapon
8. Michael Jackson ad
9. Back to the Future
10. Fight Club
11. Albert Einstein and his wife in front of their house in Pasadena
12. Heartbreakers
13. Ghostbusters
14. "Twin Peaks"
15. "Weapon of Choice"
16. Beverly Hills Cop
17. Scarface
18. Home Alone
19. Halloween
20. Blade Runner
21. Heartbreakers
22. Ghostbusters
23. Audrey Hepburn and her husband
24. Kill Bill
25. Reservoir Dogs
26. Last Action Hero
27. Pulp Fiction
28. "American Horror Story"
29. Terminator 2
30. Halloween
31. Wayne's World
32. Fight Club
33. Heat

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!