35 hilarious work place comebacks and pranks that will brighten your day
Office life... We have to get on with (or at least tolerate) our colleagues, sometimes follow dumb rules, often deal with passive aggressive managers and get our work done to a satisfactory level at the same time. So 'Bravo' to all office workers who let their humor shine through - without you we'd lose the will to live!

Here are 25 hilarious comebacks and pranks that will restore your faith in workplace humanity!
1. "I only went away for two weeks..."
2. "My co-worker told me I use too many Post-Its and should only use them when strictly necessary. I decorated his office..."
3. We agree, free food should still be varied!
4. "Someone pranked us in the office today!"
5. When a Christmas-loving co-worker decides to set up a Yuletide chalet!
6. "I stuck this on the office coffee machine today and had the best 3 hours of my life!"
7. How to ensure the restrooms never run out of toilet paper!
8. "All I did was pop into the next door office for 10 minutes!"
9. "We asked our boss to install a clock in the warehouse..."
10. "My boss refused to replace this old phone, so I decided to liven things up a bit..."
11. "My co-worker started a Post-it war with the office block opposite ours... They won hands down!"
12. Hilarious warning from an office manager!
13. Forewarned is forearmed...
14. When you're the only man in the office. And your name happens to be Ben...
15. May dragons breathe fire on anyone who lets a spoiler slip out!
16. When the restroom services aren't up to scratch...
17. "After sending/receiving more than 50 emails on the subject, us guys finally managed to get a vase of sharks in our restroom - we felt it unfair that the women's restroom has an orchid!"
18. "My co-worker decided to 'improve' the coffee machine!"
19. LOL - poor guy must feel sick every time he uses the restroom
20. "I left this in the staff common room so my co-workers could play with it. Strangely, I found it back on my desk!"
21. He's somewhere...
22. Great comeback!
23. Don't worry Ramon, help is at hand!
24. When you discover that the printer room is perfect for naps
25. When you repay a debt in full...
26. When IT workers decorate the office for Christmas
27. An awesome way to kill time at the office!
28."My co-workers love giving my baby girl makeovers using whiteboard markers!"
29. The art of avoiding complaints...
30. Every office has its rebel...
31. When you need to sneak in a lunchtime drink
32. We love this waste not, want not idea!
33. "Last week I teased my co-worker because he's getting old (he's 12 years older than me). Today he gave me this!"
34. When you ask your boss if he can pay you in cash!
35. Anyone fancy a snack?
"We played an April Fool's joke on the office today. Our co-workers were wary and finally only one person had the courage to take a donut - only to discover that there was nothing wrong with them!"
What are your co-workers like? Pranksters or spoil-sports? Share your stories with us!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!