40 life experiences to get through before you hit 35
The clock's ticking, but a lot of us put things off for another day. The problem is that before we know it, time's run out and we haven't even started to work through our bucket list. Then there are those moments when we feel like we've lost our way and find ourselves stuck in a humdrum routine! The solution? Well why not start with these 40 attainable things to get through or try before you're 35?

How many have you done? Which one's next on your to-do list?
1. Live alone

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Whether you become a renter or an owner, there comes a time when we need our own space. You're too old to live with your parents and are fed up with messy roommates - time to move on and build your own nest!
2. Break someone's heart

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Breaking up with someone is really hard, but if you're not happy you'll be doing both of you a favor! It sucks, but it's part of growing up and becoming the wonderful person you are today!
3. Have your heart broken

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Yes, it needs to go both ways. We've all cried into our pillows when a relationship has ended... That's why we should all keep a tub of ice cream in the freezer!
4. Fall in love

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Ah, that feeling... butterflies in your stomach, hours on the phone, endless SMS's, the anticipation, the first kiss...
5. Vote!

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Register to vote and drag yourself to the polling station - this is your chance to change the world!
6. Enjoy some 'me time'

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Learn to enjoy your own company! Go shopping, see a movie, travel solo...
7. Travel wherever and whenever you can!

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Start with your state, then tour the country and finally head to foreign shores... Meet new people and enjoy a change of scenery. The further you go, the more eye-opening the experience. Trust us, the world's your oyster!
8. Learn about other cultures

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Broaden your horizons by living in other cultures! Don't just watch National Geographic... Pack your bag and get out there!
9. Accept that you'll make mistakes - and learn from them!

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We all make mistakes, but more importantly we should learn from them! When you mess up, think of it as a life lesson that'll help you move onwards and upwards.
10. Cull your 'friends' list

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We've all had friends who've turned out to be toxic - maybe they're nasty, jealous or simply drain our energy. There comes a point when we need to realize who's for keeps and who needs to be ditched.
11. And if needs' be, cull a close one

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We can't choose our family and other people come in and go out of our lives. Even if we're talking about a family member, a close friend or a partner, if they're not good for you, let them go. Putting some distance between you may hurt at first, but you'll feel better in the long run!
12. Save money

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It can be hard to save money - life's expensive! But if you can put a few dollars away, then you'll have something to fall back if the going gets tough. Added plus? If things go smoothly, you'll find yourself with a nest egg to enjoy later on in life! Living day to day is fun, but one day you might regret your carefree financial attitude.
13. Get a tattoo - or imagine one!

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Tattoos reflect who we are... although if the idea of being inked doesn't appeal, that's fine too!
14. Learn to cook

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We are what we eat! Plus learning to cook means you can treat your friends and family to delicious dishes... Don't panic - no need to reach Michelin standards!
15. Kiss a stranger

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Mystery meets romance... You won't regret it and you'll never forget it! (Be responsible, though!)
16. Do a job or activity that you enjoy

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Being stuck in a job you hate is soul-destroying. Sometimes we don't have the choice, but if there are jobs that interest you, go for it! It's never too late to learn and you can always go down the voluntary route if a paid option doesn't exist. The important thing is to do something you love!
17. Have an orgasm

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We won't go in to the details, but where there's a will, there's a way!
18. Be happy

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You've reached an age when you know what you want and what you don't want. So let go of your inhibitions and do things that make you happy - even if they only last a minute or so!
19. Go to a concert

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Because live music is the best!
20. Ask for a raise

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You're doing a good job and your boss thinks you're great. Time to ask for raise and reap the benefits of your hard work!
21. Pay off your debts

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Mortgages apart, try to clear your debts and don't max out your cards - you'll sleep better at night!
22. Step out of your comfort zone

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The idea may scare you, but whether it's a professional, physical or personal endeavor, you'll feel so proud of yourself!
23. Move

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Leaving a place we've called home can be really hard, but new horizons means new opportunities!
24. Sort out your healthcare

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35 is young, but at some point you'll need to start keeping on top of your health. It's time to think about screening and other health issues that may affect you further down the line.
25. Travel alone

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Even if it's just for the weekend and a few miles down the road, it'll give you the chance to recharge your batteries and enjoy your own company!
26. Change your look

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Get a haircut, grow out your bob... It doesn't matter what you do, but changing your look, even if it's temporary, is not just fun but also refreshing!
27. Buy some tools and learn how to use them

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It may seem a silly idea, but it's important, particularly if you live on your own. Learn how to change a plug and tire or teach yourself how to put up shelves! You only need the basics - a screwdriver and hammer is a good start!
28. Help others

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Helping others does us a much good as the person we're assisting, whether you commit to charity work or just give someone a helping hand.
29. Be there for your friends

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Friendship is precious - be there for your friends and turn to them when you need a shoulder.
30. Grow a plant

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It's been said that if you know how to look after plants, you'll be fine with kids or pets. So get your green fingers to the ready and raise a plant!
31. Learn to forgive

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No one's perfect and we have to learn to get on with others. And yes, some people can be hurtful along the way. Learn to forgive them: they are who they are and rising above their petty criticism will save you a whole lot of stress!
32. Learn a foreign language

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Even if you don't need to learn a foreign language for your job, stimulating your linguistic neurons will improve your memory and stave off memory loss. Plus it makes traveling to foreign countries easier!
33. Let go

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Have fun - parties, hook-ups, friends... Learn to let go!
34. Get to know your body and assume your sexuality

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Age and experience allows us to know what we like (and don't like) when it comes to our physical needs. Don't feel ashamed or guilty - you are who you are and it's perfectly normal to have particular desires. Just make sure it's consensual!
35. Kiss goodbye to anything that brings you down

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Life is not about martyrdom! Let go of friends, colleagues or people who leave you feeling low and have nothing positive to add to your life.
36. Reunite with old friends

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It's great when we meet and find common ground with new people, but it's also fun to hook up with long-lost friends. Social networks are great for tracking down people from our past!
37. Trust your gut instinct

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Something feels instinctively right or wrong? Follow the hunch! After all, if you can't trust yourself, who can you trust?
38. Know and accept your defects

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None of us are perfect, so don't try to be! Accept your faults in the knowledge that you also have lots of virtues!
39. Love your body

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A downside of our selfie-obsessed Instagram world is that we're constantly bombarded with perfection. Well guess what? Models and celebrities are usually Photoshopped to death before a shot appears in a magazine or on their profile! So love your wrinkles and flaunt your cellulite or beer belly! If you want to change your body, you can - eat a balanced diet, do some sport...
40. Love yourself just the way you are

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Okay, there may be ways in which we can evolve or improve certain aspects of ourselves and our lives, but the important thing is that you love yourself, every step of the way! You're doing a great job!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!