The 9 luckiest people the world has ever seen!
Sometimes we feel like the butt of the joke and one bad thing after another happens to us. Apparently, this isn’t true for everyone! These people were really lucky. In this list, we explain why these 9 people might be considered the luckiest on Earth!

1. Maarten de Jonge
Maarten de Jonge forgot to confirm his booking for a flight on Malaysia Airlines. This plane disappeared in the Indian Ocean.
2. Harrison Odjegba Okene
Harrison Odjegba Okene survived while trapped in an air pocket that formed in the engine room when the boat he was on sank.
3. Tsutomu Yamaguchi
Tsutomu Yamaguchi saw and survived Japan's two nuclear attacks in Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
4. Reshma Begum
This woman survived 17 days under the rubble of a building by living on just a little water and food.
5. Ms. Ginther
Ms. Ginther won $12 million in the lottery, and since then has won several million dollars more.
6. Juliane Koepcke
Juliane Koepcke, at 17, was the only survivor of a plane crash in the rainforest.
7. Steve Flaig
Steve Flaig was able to meet his mother, who he had been looking for for years because they were both hired in the same supermarket.
8. Ms. Pahlsson
Mrs. Pahlsson found her wedding ring on a carrot in her garden after it had been lost for years.
9. Ms. Fike
Ms. Fike won $2 million after playing the same lottery ticket twice on accident.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!