A grandmother who was not allowed to adopt a dog receives the most beautiful gift (video)
Whether it's a matter of age or health issues, older people are often not allowed to adopt young dogs. A lady living in Peru was refused when she tried to adopt a dog, so her relatives decided to step in...

Andrea Hijar's 76-year-old grandmother and her husband had raised several puppies throughout the years. She recently decided to adopt a new dog and with her granddaughter's help, they started looking for a suitable puppy, reports The Dodo."
A difficult task...
Unfortunately, the grandmother was repeatedly refused. Why? "Her age", explains Andrea. “It made me very sad. They are a very loving couple, they were looking forward to welcoming a new puppy. "
Andrea Hijar
While her grandmother resigned herself to the situation, Andrea didn't want to give up. Her efforts paid off when she contacted a man who was looking for someone to adopt a puppy. "He agreed to give it to us because he knew that my grandparents would take good care of it and love it very much," continues Andrea. Her father and grandfather set off to fetch the puppy, and they all secretly decided to surprise the grandmother...
A precious moment filmed by Andrea
The meeting between the grandmother and her new puppy, named Princesa, was a truly touching moment. The grandmother's joy is evident as she holds her new puppy in her arms.
Desde hace tiempo q mis abuelos querían adoptar un perrito, pero los rechazaban ser adultos mayores y les ponían muchas trabas. Al fin un chico nos dijo que sí y mi papá fue con mi abuelo a Comas a recoger a la cachorrita. Sorprendimos a mi abuelita y su reacción lo dice todo ♥️ pic.twitter.com/RxoxWFccnM
— Andriu (@andreeahijar) May 16, 2021
Princesa is smothered with love in her new family, who have given her the happiest of forever homes. She has everything she needs, and the age of her owners has not prevented them from being the best of owners.
Andrea Hijar

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!