A list of 14 TV shows that disappeared too fast!
Who has never curled up at the bottom of their bed during the rain in front of a good TV show? No one, of course! The TV shows we give you here unfortunately disappeared too fast... It's sad because we were following the lives of the characters.

1. "Deadwood"
2. "My So-Called Life"
3. "Veronica Mars"
4. "Pushing Daisies"
5. "Bunheads"
6. "Ringer"
7. "Carnivale"
8. "Freaks and Geeks"
9. "Don't trust the B - in APT 23"
10. "Arrested Development"
11. "Stargate Universe"
12. "Kyle XY"
13. "Jericho"
14. "Terra Nova"

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!