A little 5-year old girl gets beat up on the street... And then these bikers come along!

In Albuquerque, New Mexico, a girl barely 5 years old was beat up in the street because of her mental disability. When the learned what happened to this little girl, a group of bikers decided to follow her home...
They were hesitant at first, but after careful consideration, they expected her to be home and knocked on the door to talk to her.
She opened it, froze and stood there with her eyes wide open, when one of the bikers decided to start a conversation.
He told her, "After what happened to you, we want you to feel safe: we’re your bodyguards now!"
The girl couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Not knowing what to say, she smiled shyly...
This group of bikers who call themselves "The Punishers" were in fact former police officers, veterans, and nurses. Their favorite thing to do is traveling the streets playing vigilante and defending those who are the most vulnerable!
Great initiative on their part, don’t you think??

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!