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A man dies because of a drink that many of us have in our fridge…

Illustration de l'article : A man dies because of a drink that many of us have in our fridge…

Illustration : "A man dies because of a drink that many of us have in our fridge…"

Dean Wharmby, 39, is an English bodybuilder. He’s also a loving husband and father to little Scarlett. He lived in Manchester with his family and devoted his life’s work to his body!

One day, because of his diet, his life changed and took a turn he didn’t expect...

Illustration de l'article : A man dies because of a drink that many of us have in our fridge…

Dean's goal was to increase his muscle mass as much as possible. To achieve this goal, this guy had to consume over 10,000 calories a day! It wasn’t easy... He implemented a high-protein diet.

Illustration de l'article : A man dies because of a drink that many of us have in our fridge…

Dean reached that number of calories to consume by eating a lot of protein: chicken, fish, eggs... and unfortunately too many energy drinks!

Illustration de l'article : A man dies because of a drink that many of us have in our fridge…

This young father was drinking up to 2 cans every hour! It is this kind of beverage that allowed him to endure his intense workouts and stay in shape.

Illustration de l'article : A man dies because of a drink that many of us have in our fridge…

5 years ago, by opting for non-conventional medicine, this athlete managed to defeat cancer without chemotherapy. By changing his lifestyle, he was able to make the tumor completely disappear, and he went back to his old bad habits...

Illustration de l'article : A man dies because of a drink that many of us have in our fridge…

These same habits that had caused his first tumor eventually created a new one, in his liver...

Dean made the same decision as before, by adopting a new healthy regimen, but it was all in vain! The cancer progressed too quickly and the young man got sicker and sicker. He died in the arms of his wife shortly afterwards!

Illustration de l'article : A man dies because of a drink that many of us have in our fridge…

It was all the sugar consumption from the energy drinks that promoted the multiplication of the cancer cells. So take Dean’s story as a lesson to live a lifestyle that protects your health!