A trick: He installed a sliding system in his garage and you'll be surprised when you see what he uses it for!

See the video:
Two cars in one house – it’s more and more common these days. But the problem is that the space available in the garage is often very limited. Once both cars are in the garage, it’s impossible to not feel cramped and get around easily.
But one guy has found a surprising way to gain a lot of space.
So if you have two cars, a travel trailer, or you just want to make some space in your garage, you will definitely love this amazing idea..
The system is simple: it rests on two strips that act as sliders, located where the vehicle’s front and rear wheels are. Once the car is parked on these platforms, all you have to do is push it to the side; the strips slide laterally without too much effort. This adds precious inches in the middle, allowing space for your second car.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!