Alicia Keys has decided to NEVER wear makeup again... Maybe you'll agree with her when you understand why!

Alicia Keys, the Queen of RnB, sang in the Champions League final without so much as a drop of makeup. The artist was expecting to receive harsh criticism from the media, but surprisingly, this wasn’t the case.
A few days later, the singer explained her radical decision on the feminist website "Lenny Letter".
The dogmas of beauty don’t rest on superficiality. Alicia Keys confirms it in her own words:
“Every time I left the house, I would be worried if I didn't put on makeup: What if someone wanted a picture?? What if they POSTED it??? These were the insecure, superficial, but honest thoughts I was thinking. And all of it, one way or another, was based too much on what other people thought of me”.
Alicia Keys also stated: “Before I started my new album, I wrote a list of all the things that I was sick of. And one was how much women are brainwashed into feeling like we have to be skinny, or sexy, or desirable, or perfect.”
In addition, her single “When a Girl Can’t Be Herself” from the new album In Common, reiterates that thought. In fact, she admits that makeup is a sign of weakness, that she categorically denies being a weak sex, induced by educational messages (such as "Be beautiful and shut up! " that we say at home, for example).
Another fact that has made the Internet buzz is the famous photo shoot of the star in her natural state, in a plaid shirt and then the one where we see her in a tracksuit... We realize that she is even more beautiful than we thought she was, that she hid her freckles and more! In short, little by little, the #NoMakeup movement was created.
To end her post on the website, she wrote these few words:
“'Cause I don't want to cover up anymore. Not my face, not my mind, not my soul, not my thoughts, not my dreams, not my struggles, not my emotional growth. Nothing."
Let's share this article to encourage girls to be natural as much as possible!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!