Are you running out of ideas to keep your kids busy this summer? Here are 21 things that are very easy to make yourself…

Are you tired of buying expensive games that your kids get bored with after only a month? Worry no more, we've come up with 21 great games, that you can easily make at home!
1. A drive-in movie:
What’s better than watching a cartoon in the great outdoors??
2. Memory game:
Boxes aren’t expensive; they are about 2 for a dollar. The game consists of drawing things on the cardboard pieces, placing them face down, and remembering where each picture is placed.?
3. Hopscotch:
You can make a hopscotch board using tape. The game will last longer than with chalk.?
4. Crab soccer:
Play soccer using only feet on a wet tarp.
5. Races:
Make a race track with pool noodles.?
6. Scrabble:
Here's an educational game for your kids to help practice language.
7. Dominos:
They're just recycled cardboard boxes.
8. Kerplunk:
Using chicken wire (found in hardware stores), you can create a fun game that isn't expensive.
9. Checkers:
Glue down darker squares that you cut from a cardboard box. Then put down frisbees to be used as game pieces.
10. Jenga:
Cut 60 pieces of wood from 2x4s, exactly the same length, around 10 1/2 inches. Use sandpaper to smooth them out.
11. Angry Birds:
Recycle some cardboard boxes. Put something inside them to make them weigh a little more. Blow up some balloons and place them between the boxes.
12. Bowling:
Paint some bottles with acrylic paint and use a tennis ball make them fall down. Cheap and fun, right?
13. Twister:
You can paint the lawn. And when it grows, you can cut it and get rid of the paint.
14. Campground pockets game:
Most of all, don't let kids play with their handheld video games - they need to concentrate entirely on their outing!
15. Pick-up Sticks:
This game is made from wood.
16. Tic Tac Toe:
You'll need a plastic picnic blanket and some frisbees.
17. Tic Tac Toe rocks:
Use acrylic paint on a stump, and then acrylic varnish on stones.
18. Water wall:
Take a wooden pallet, attach all the plastic containers you have, and put it in the yard. On rainy days, you can find all kinds of surprises!
19. Human-sized Hungry Hungry Hippos:
Your partner has to push and pull you on skateboards.
20. Obstacle course:
Similar to the Matrix movie scene, little ones have to do some acrobats.?
21. Monster game:
Made from cardboard boxes, that you transform into little monsters thanks to some gouache paint!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!