An artist illustrates his daily life with his wife in a hilarious comic strip
Yehuda Adi Devir lives in Tel Aviv, and he’s an illustrator who specializes in comic strips.

With a great sense of humor and intensified self-deprecation, he has created his own comic strip. He invites readers to plunge into his private life and more precisely, his daily life with his wife Maya.
Whether she’s tearing the house to pieces trying to get rid of a cockroach, using him for her personal radiator (or pillow), motivating him to work out, or destroying the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal, Yehuda's wife seems to be an endless source of inspiration for his adorable comics, which all couples will be able to relate to easily.
Here are some excerpts we’ve picked out for you:
More information: Instagram
# 1 Happy (frozen) feet
# 2 My hot wife!
# 3 Her magic touch
# 4 Every morning...
# 5 Ikea
# 6 My wifeinator!
# 7 How is it always my turn to do the dishes?
# 8 We saw Logan
# 9 Typical night out...
# 10 Beach Body
# 11 Hair Removal Days
# 12 Getting back from a vacation
# 13 A walk in the park
# 14 I just got engaged
# 15 Winter is here
# 16 Valentine's Day
# 17 The scarf
# 18 Sweet dreams
# 19 Let's take a selfie!
# 20 Travel pillow
# 21 My god, what a movie!
# 22 My wife’s concept of "working out together"
# 23 Happy Valentine's Day!
# 24 A day on the bus
# 25 My wife's idea for Purim costumes
# 26 Happy Birthday to me!
# 27 Happy Hanukkah!
# 28 Her bachelorette party
# 29 Moving
# 30 Let’s go to the beach!
# 31 Every time I think of shaving
# 32 Still looking for an apartment
# 33 Watch WWE with my wife...
# 34 Happy Passover, everyone!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!