At first glance, she looks like just a girl, but when you look closer,you discover a true heroine!
Destiny, we deal with it, we don't control it. For example, we don't choose to be a victim of a car accident, but wedeal with the consequences.

It's up to us to choose how we deal with a disability. And that's what we can learn from this young model from Brazil named Paola. This young ladywas in a serious car accident causing her left leg to be amputated below the thigh.
However, Paola is a force of nature because she hasn't lost her love of life, and she tries to show it to the world with a few snapshots.
What's more, she even takes part in sports like skateboarding, dancing, and swimming.
In all the pictures she shares on her blog, she shows us her love of life and in her own way tries to give other disabled people the courage to enjoy life.
In addition, despite her misgivings, she continues to be a model for a major brand.
She participates in TV shows where she shares her experience and her daily struggle.
The photos she posts are her therapy in light of this radical change in her young life.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!