Customs officers were puzzled when they heard noises coming from these bottles... seeing eyes inside, they quickly grabbed their scissors!

We generally place less importance on animals than human beings. These little creatures are actually abused in every corner of the earth, including these beautiful yellow cockatoos that are rare today...
For poachers, known for their cruel actions, the motto is "the rare an animal is, more profit it will bring."
Just recently, customs officers arrested poachers who were carrying bottles that had a particularly curious and suspicious appearance... Their discovery was difficult to bear.
These Indonesian customs officers took possession of the bottles.
They opened one and found big piercing eyes looking back at them through the bottles’ opening.
They quickly realized that it was an imprisoned yellow cockatoo!
These little creatures are actually sold for $900 on the black market, but that’s not all ...
Would you believe that this heartless band of thieves earns about $22 billion each year in illegal animal sales? This little business certainly threatens the flora and fauna of Indonesia, but also around the world.
Previously, the illegal bird trade was almost exclusively concentrated in East Asia, but it’s only a matter of time before the birds closer to home are targeted. Endangered bird species exist in all regions of the world.
It's high time that this stops!
We’ve always thought that illegal trading only existed in these countries, but that’s absolutely wrong! This scandal touches every corner of the world, and we have to intervene as quickly and effectively as possible!?

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!