Every day for a year, he drew each day spent with his wife...A couple's life illustrated with passion!
Successfully capturing the intensity of a moment is the most difficult thing to do.
The illustrations created each day by Curtis Wiklund about his relationship, convey the couple's feelings, little pleasures, and their bond.
Curtis is a wedding photographer based in Michigan, USA, who took up the challenge of drawing every day for a year, with the aim of putting scenes of daily life in the company of his dear Jordin down on paper.
Jordin is the one who came up with the idea of 365 pictures, or one image for each day of the year.
'During that year, many people told us they felt like they got to know us better through the drawings, like they were a peek into our personal life,' explains the illustrator.
So on paper, Curtis brought life to this project drawing the daily life of his family.
Here's a collection of Curtis Wiklund's best drawings, showing the intensity of the love he has for his wife.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!