Every zodiac sign has its flaws! The worst one is Gemini...
Certainly, at least once in your life, you have read the page devoted to the signs of the zodiac.

So you must have noticed that in general, the authors of these topics only write about your good qualities, while leaving out your bad ones (yes, of course, you're an angel!).
Except that today we're in the mood to reestablish a little truth about each of you, by listing your worst flaw.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You are someone who isn't afraid to yell at a stranger in public. Your temperament is such that in certain situations, it may be very embarrassing to be with you. For example, even on a crowded patio, you have no qualms about expressing your opinion to the waitress who's a little slower than your liking. In short, you often lose your temper and you never back down.
Taurus (April 20 - May 21)
Without a doubt, you're the most stubborn people in the world! To the extent that some people won't even share their opinion with you anymore. They know that debating with you is a lost cause. Psychologically, you're a brick wall. Of course, it can attest to a degree of stability, but it's also very annoying for your friends and family.
Gemini (May 22 – June 21)
You are the person who always makes sucky plans, who always cancels at the last minute.
When you say you want to go out, you're ready to go and always end up change your mind. Learn to think before you give your word, because there is nothing more irritating than a friend you can't count on.
Cancer (June 22 - July 21)
You are a master in the art of asking questions that make people uncomfortable. And the worst thing is that you do it with people that you like: your friends, family, etc. A word of advice, try to put a lid on this unfortunate tendency. In fact, even if they don't always say it, nobody likes to be the target of this type of particularly intrusive and annoying thing.
Leo (July 22 - August 22)
You're always fishing for compliments! Yes, you are talented at everything. Yes, you're charismatic. Yes, you are perfect. At least that's what you want to hear. But beware, this way of always bringing the subject to yourself, always pointing yourself out, could annoy some people. Unfortunately, it's stronger than you and you need it.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
You're the type of person who sends dozens of texts when your friends are late. Inevitably. But do you realize that by doing this, you're making them even later? Usually, they are in a hurry and you're adding more stress. All of your little actions may irritate them. Take a deep breath and calm down. Everything will be alright.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
You always avoid telling the truth for fear of doing harm. You have the talent of beating around the bush, especially not using certain words and very often finishing by telling people what they want to hear. But don't be fooled, everyone knows it. The result: for an honest opinion, people don't come to see you. Assume your position and opinions!
Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)
You are the king of doing the opposite of what you say. With you, it's 'Do as I say, not as I do'! You say that you especially like loyal and genuine people, but you don't offer the same in return. If you want to keep your friends, here's a tip: change your course. It's a good time you start practicing those beautiful values you preach.
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
You are always at the top of the trend! Very often, you are excited by something in fashion, fully immerse yourself in it, and then very quickly move on to something else (likely the next big thing). For example, you will proclaim yourself vegetarian for a month, and then get all your friends to go out to a little bistro for homemade burgers the next month. In short, you're what we refer to as a hipster.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Sorry, but you take yourself too seriously! Maybe it's in spite of yourself, but you always act a little superior, which makes you particularly cold. Obviously, like any hotshot who respects himself, you tend to look down on others. In addition, you always think you're right. Be careful, these little flaws will quickly wear out people, including your family and friends.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)
You are typically the type of person who tries too hard. Unfortunately, being different, having style, and a way of thinking, are things that come naturally, and are not invented. Your desire to appear free and open-minded makes you, in fact, completely closed-minded and intolerant towards people you consider to be conformists. Nice try, but it's not quite there!
Pisces (February – March 20)
You are the master of making people wait! If you had to choose, your favorite would undoubtedly be 'Almost there! ' Something you text (too much) your friends, when you're barely out of the shower. The fact that you're lost in your own world doesn't help being disorganized. And although it's disrespectful to make others wait, you're not even shy about doing it.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!