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  3. Finally, a restaurant that shows great generosity to the poor...

Finally, a restaurant that shows great generosity to the poor...

Illustration de l'article : Finally, a restaurant that shows great generosity to the poor...

Illustration : "Finally, a restaurant that shows great generosity to the poor..."

Fortunately, there are still people in our world who have a heart and desire to help others.

This is true for Minu Pauline, a native of India and the proud owner of Pappadavada restaurant, located in the port city of Kochi.

This young lady is simply outstanding.

One day, seeing a homeless woman dig through her garbage, she got the idea to set up a fridge in front of her restaurant and fill it with dishes that she hadn’t sold during the day.

She said, explaining her gesture: "It was so sad to see this woman digging through the garbage to find something she could eat."

Illustration de l'article : Finally, a restaurant that shows great generosity to the poor...

So, with her fridge idea, she invites anyone who is hungry feel free to help themselves.

Illustration de l'article : Finally, a restaurant that shows great generosity to the poor...

And they can do this without any regulation, accessible all day long.

Illustration de l'article : Finally, a restaurant that shows great generosity to the poor...

And this fridge is stocked by Minu, who offers more than 70 meals a day, as well as all her customers who offer their leftovers.

Illustration de l'article : Finally, a restaurant that shows great generosity to the poor...

And here’s what this gesture of humanity means to Minu: "You can save your money, but food is an essential resource for everyone. For me, this also serves as a way to show that we should not waste food, but share it with others."

Illustration de l'article : Finally, a restaurant that shows great generosity to the poor...

For a country like India where there are many people suffering from hunger, Minu’s gesture is a welcome sight.

Illustration de l'article : Finally, a restaurant that shows great generosity to the poor...

So learn from her example and help your neighbor in need!