FINALLY, the trailer for Disney’s "Beauty and the Beast" with Emma Watson is online!

The trailer:
A new adaptation of the famous tale by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont, "Beauty and the Beast" might come out in March 2017. It is the story of a charming young lady, beautiful and independent, who would be held prisoner in the castle of a monster, the "Beast" from the title. Except that behind this ferocious being is a nice boy, under a spell.
The new version of "Beauty and the Beast", produced by Bill Condon, will have the same music and scenery as the Disney animated film, but will also have high-level characters. In fact, we are entitled to it: Emma Watson will play Belle, Dan Stevens will play the role of the Beast, and Luke Evans will be the villain, Gaston..
Here it is, below, a trailer for the remake of "Beauty and the Beast":
This should please the fans of Harry Potter and Hermione ...

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!