Going back to his childhood home, he pulls on a string in the attic... And what a discovery!
Rudi Schlattner was 13 years old when, at the end World War II, his German family was expelled from the former Czechoslovakia, which was occupied by Nazi Germany during the war. He has not been back since, but vaguely remembered a hideaway his father tol him about.

He spoke about a string to pull that would unveil some family items that the senior Schlattner had cleverly hidden in this house that he had built himself in the 1920s.
It was only recently, at the age of 83, that Rudi Schlattner was able to see his childhood home again. Arriving at the house, he in fact found the string in question and pulled. Suddenly, childhood memories were everywhere before his eyes, when he discovered dozens of packages containing toys, inkwells, dolls and other items that belonged to the Schlattners at that time.
One can imagine the emotion felt by this man at the sight of these testaments of his distant past...

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!