He created his own version of Monopoly to propose to his girlfriend... This is adorable!

Monopoly is an American board game that appeared around 1935 and is still current. The object of the game is to destroy your competitors through real estate transactions. Except that in reality, the creation of this game is symbolic. In fact, it is intended to denounce the dramatic aspects of capitalism as well as the fortunes that come and go over time. This board game is known worldwide, and there are multiple versions.
One man, Justin, invented a rather creative version of the game. The board he created was wooden and strangely reminds us of Jumanji. Except that Justin didn’t design it to invoke imaginary characters, but to ask for his girlfriend’s hand in marriage.
In addition to the vintage board he created, he designed the spaces and made the “Chance” and “Community Chest” cards.
Each space on the board represented places that the couple had visited before, such as lakes, hotels, and "First Street Alehouse," the bar where they first met.
This wonderful gift was given to Michal for Christmas. The couple played it the same day.
Michal drew a card that said "Will you marry me? If yes, advance to Luxury Tax."
Automatically accepting, Michal obeyed, went to that space... and found a secret compartment under the space!
An engagement ring was hidden there!
And isn’t that beautiful!?

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!