Here are 16 awesome celebrities revealing themselves without any makeup or Photoshopping... Celebrate natural beauty!

Girls constantly worry about their appearance. Indeed, before going out, they have to put on concealer, a little blush on their cheeks to get a good complexion, lip gloss so their lips are moist... On other words, on the end they put on a thick layer of makeup that very often makes them unrecognizable!
Today they’re now going for a more natural look. What could be more beautiful than cleaning your face with cleanser, not being afraid of the rain destroying your foundation, and saying, "I'm naturally beautiful!"?
Hollywood stars have also posted some selfies, also preferring to go natural.
Check out the 16 pictures in the video below:

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!