If you had been one of these 9 Disney princesses, what would your life have been like after the fairy tale?
What happens to the characters after the end of the movie? Dina Goldstein, a Canadian photographer, attempts to answer that question! If you had been one of these 9 Disney princesses, what would your life have been like after the fairy tale?

1. Cinderella gets drunk, all by herself!
2. Little Red Riding Hood ends up eating the wolf!
3. Jasmine becomes a badass!
4. Belle wants to be even more beautiful!
5. Ariel took the bait!
6. Even Rapunzel isn’t immune to getting sick!
7. Sleeping Beauty takes another nap...
8. Pocahontas hibernates with her cats
9. Snow White and her prince relaxing at home

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!