It took 50 years for this man to discover his wife’s secret... In a shoebox!

They promised each other love, respect, and faithfulness... As for secrets, the grandmother had one: in a shoebox.?
This is the story of an elderly couple who always had a peaceful life until one day, the lady of the house got sick.
Until then, they had always shared everything, except for one secret that the woman was hiding from her husband!
When she was in the hospital, the old woman realized that her time had come, and doctors were not very optimistic about any improvement.
She thought back to her shoebox!?
She decided to tell to her husband about it, and he ran to get it and eventually found 3 things that left him speechless!
Two dolls and the modest sum of $95,000!
The dolls were created by the grandmother, whenever she was having an argument with her husband.
So he thought that out of 50 years together, his wife was only upset twice and found it rather flattering.
When he asked her how she could have such a large amount of money, this is what she said:
"Right after our wedding, my grandmother told me that the secret to a good marriage is to never get mad. So when I was mad at you, I kept my silence and knitted a doll."?
She added: "I got the money from selling all the other dolls."
An amusing and sweet story! Despite the arguments, she always kept her calm and her love.
Today, she leaves him a nice jackpot and many beautiful memories!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!