Just two years after her 4-year relationship ended, she posted these photos ... Impressive determination!

Laura Micetich, a 25-year old American, had reached almost 300 pounds. The young lady really stood out because, in addition to being overweight, she was 5 feet, 11 inches tall. The poor Laura said she felt like, I quote, "a monster standing in the way!".
In fact, her size was rather intimidating...
However, in 2014, after getting her teaching degree, Laura finally decided to take control and get the athlete's body that she never had before.
In an interview, Laura confides what she told herself the day she made her revolutionary resolution:
“It came right when I was finishing college. A 4-year relationship had just ended and I knew I needed to change something. I would be teaching children and wanted to set a good example."
She had the motivation. She took a picture of herself before her transformation, in a skimpy outfit without having a complex, and told herself it could happen!
She put aside her poor eating habits and started exercising a lot.
The result: her weight dropped fast!
Laura thought that she could never lose weight or get rid of her bad habits. She even thought about having weight loss surgery because her weight seemed too much...
Laura tells how challenging her experience was in the beginning:
"I used to constantly go to the fridge and eat something that I 'needed'. It wasn't even stress eating, just an awful habit - like I was on automatic."
In short, in one year, Laura has accomplished a major feat: she lost more than half her original weight.
Many people couldn’t believe the change:
"Some people guess that I've had an operation. But this is the result of hard work. At first, I had to convince myself to even go to the gym, but I did it.
I later found out that most people at my gym thought I was a joke. But they were all quickly impressed by how dedicated I was.
For a long time, I was scared that someone I knew would find me on my Instagram. But the online community was so supportive and it was really good to see my own transformation so clearly.”
Apart from a few stretch marks, there is nothing left of the old Laura. Her body is lean and muscular.
Today, Laura is seen as a model, not only by those close to her, but also by her students.
The young lady sometimes likes to try on her old clothes, just to see how much weight she has lost.
Her lifestyle has changed and it is clear that her story can motivate all of us! Laura ended the interview with these final words. "My main goal is to be happy and healthy. I love working out. I lift weights six times a week. It's a new approach to life. It's no longer just about losing weight."?

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!