Of these 12 hidden mistakes in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, which is the worst?
Despite having a huge budget, to err is still human! Apparently some details got by the producers!

1. After the accident, the car trunk looks different.
2. In this scene, you can clearly see that it's a fake bird in the cage.
3. The bars in the grill go into the wall differently in the two shots.
4. You can see a third person's hand holding the cage behind Harry Potter, when there were only two people in the car.
5. In the second shot, the flags are in a different place.
6. You can see the reference marks for the actors on the ground.
7. In the second shot, the ink on the cover has disappeared.
8. An iron bar seems to appear like magic.
9. When Harry Potter falls off his broomstick, the foot loops disappear.
10. The shadows look different in the second shot - the rings have disappeared.
11. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, you can see a cameraman on his knees in the middle of all the kids.
12. Harry Potter's had doesn't have blood on it anymore in the next shot.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!