People who constantly gripe are more intelligent than others! Here's why:

According Joe Forgas, author of a study at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, irritation and bad mood help to focus because it seems that being angry makes you less gullible. According to the same scientist, a person in a bad mood often finds himself in very favorable conditions to make the right decisions.
This experiment was conducted on a group of volunteers who were asked to watch movies and discuss events in their lives whether they were happy or not. They were then put in completely different states of mind: sullen and in abad mood, or in an excellent mood and happy.
As soon as the candidates for this experiment were in the mental states mentioned, the scientists began asking them details about situations they had faced, and then the authenticity of some urban legends.
The conclusion was that people in a bad or sad mood responded more clearly, more effectively, and with fewer errors.
And now Joe Forgas for the final word: 'While a positive mood seems to promote creativity, flexibility and cooperation, a bad mood activates a more thoughtful and careful mind, which makes the person closer to the outside world.'
You get it? If you want to ask your boss a favor, don't forget to get irritated with your spouse or to take a nice cold shower, or even let your cat scratch you! You'll find yourself in fine form with your boss.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!