Photos vs. Reality: When your travel destination doesn't look anything like the travel photos. (16 photos)
There's often a huge gap between what you expect to see when visiting a country and what you actually discover there. The postcard image conveyed by travel agencies and government bodies responsible for promoting tourism is confronted with the reality.

While you may expect to enjoy a beautiful white sand beach, you actually find yourself in the middle of a huge crowd fighting through it just to be able to take a dip. You dream of a romantic gondola ride in Venice, but the traffic jam of the boats immediately shatters any hint of being romantic...
1. 'Holding up' the Leaning Tower of Pisa
2. A ski vacation
3. Visiting the Great Wall of China
4. Having an nice picnic at the base of the Eiffel Tower
5. Seeing the Mona Lisa
6. A gondola ride in Venice
7. Visiting the Taj Mahal
8. Visiting Santorini
9. Suntanning in Copacabana
10. Or on a beach in the Maldives
11. Climbing Mt. Everest
12. Hanging out in Central Park
13. Visiting the Acropolis
14. Enjoying a private beach in Thailand
15. Making a wish at the Trevi Fountain
16. Seeing the Egyptian pryamids up close

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!