Pictures that show how the body really looks after childbirth. All natural beauty...
Beauty magazines are always trying to give an artificial and retouched image of women's bodies? But the reality is different! They do everything so the images they show fit the mold of what's beautiful according to current society.

Jade Beall, an American photographer, decided to put an end to this form of hypocrisy by doing just the opposite: instead of Photoshopping the female body, she reveals it in the most natural way. To do this, she chooses to show women's bodies after childbirth.
In Jade's photos, you can see all kinds of women: from large to small and thin to more round... The unaltered reality shows the marks pregnancy leaves on women's bodies.
'The goal is to build self-esteem in a world where women continue to feel stigmatized. But also to inspire future generations of women so that they can free themselves and think of themselves as beautiful, because that's the reality.' This is what Beall writes on her website.
Some pictures have caused controversial reactions, because they're considered too bare. Facebook even temporarily deleted some pictures, while thousands of photos of half-naked supermodels are posted without any problems! It is unfair, but Jade, the courageous woman, doesn't stop there! The fight continues.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!