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  3. Put 4 toothpicks in a potato like this, a trick that I would’ve liked to have known before!

Put 4 toothpicks in a potato like this, a trick that I would’ve liked to have known before!

All or most of the items you have in your home have more uses than you know.

Illustration : "Put 4 toothpicks in a potato like this, a trick that I would’ve liked to have known before!"

Actually, with a little imagination, you can find several uses for a specific object.

This is why we have tried to contribute to participation in this search. So, we’ve found that toothpicks are not used only to get a piece of meat out of your teeth, but they have other jobs that are very interestingto say the least!

Try these at home!

1- The best way to cook potatoes in the microwave is to pierce it with three toothpicks and cover it with a damp paper towel.

Illustration de l'article : Put 4 toothpicks in a potato like this, a trick that I would’ve liked to have known before!

Illustration de l'article : Put 4 toothpicks in a potato like this, a trick that I would’ve liked to have known before!

Illustration de l'article : Put 4 toothpicks in a potato like this, a trick that I would’ve liked to have known before!

2- To melt butter evenly, place a square of it on three toothpicks.

Illustration de l'article : Put 4 toothpicks in a potato like this, a trick that I would’ve liked to have known before!

3 - Gently write a word on a banana and during the day your message will appear.

Illustration de l'article : Put 4 toothpicks in a potato like this, a trick that I would’ve liked to have known before!

4 – To keep a cake fresh, stick two slices of bread on the ends with toothpicks. ?

Illustration de l'article : Put 4 toothpicks in a potato like this, a trick that I would’ve liked to have known before!

5 – A lemon in the middle of the table for sticking used toothpicks.?

Illustration de l'article : Put 4 toothpicks in a potato like this, a trick that I would’ve liked to have known before!

6 –To prevent spoiling, use the tip of your vegetables to cover the other half and hold it all together with a toothpick.

Illustration de l'article : Put 4 toothpicks in a potato like this, a trick that I would’ve liked to have known before!

7 - A bouquet of strawberries and for the stems: toothpicks.

Illustration de l'article : Put 4 toothpicks in a potato like this, a trick that I would’ve liked to have known before!