She clearly demonstrates that her children live VERY well without technology! (28 photos)

Technology has taken over every home nowadays. Adults and children are almost held captive by it. But we can’t forget that it is dangerous, especially for children who must enjoy their youth.
As a psychotherapist who knows the dangers incurred due to too much use of technological devices, Nikki, from New Zealand, has implemented a rule in her home stating that in her house, there will be no electronic items or television.
In fact, she has chosen to live with her family on 25 acres of land, where she has decided to teach her four children a lesson and allow themto enjoy nature from now on.
In addition, Nikki has always been passionate about photography and she decided to combine her family’s experiences with her love of photography.
1. Always games to play in nature
2. Hearing the sound of her own voice
3. A mud bath
4. A nap in a hammock
5. Head coming out of an old screen
6. A rather large cat
7. Having some imagination and being creative
8. Deep in thought
9. At the edge of the sea
10. A never-ending game
11. Playing shepherds
12. A hen and her eggs
13. Looking each other in the eye
14. A newborn
15. Out in the middle of nature
16. Another baby
17. A boo-boo
18. Playing with the animals
19. Laughing in nature
20. A bath in a barrel
21. Sharing everything!
22. Acting silly
23. Popsicles galore
24. A refreshing sip of water
25. Playing on the property gate
26. Finding animal bones
27. Running round anywhere they want
28. Being a bunny

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!