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  3. She lost 110 pounds for her wedding!

She lost 110 pounds for her wedding!

Claire Crowther is a midwife from Wrexham, Great Britain.

Illustration : "She lost 110 pounds for her wedding!"

She had a very busy schedule. With an unhealthy diet and minimal physical activity, Claire had gotten to the point where she could no longer button her work uniform. "I couldn’t stand looking at myself. I removed all the mirrors and put away all the pictures of myself, I couldn’t stand to look at myself anymore," she says.

Illustration de l'article : She lost 110 pounds for her wedding!

Claire had low self-esteem because of her excess weight. While she was supposed to be happy the day her boyfriend Stephen proposed to her, she couldn’t imagine herself in a wedding dress with her figure.

Illustration de l'article : She lost 110 pounds for her wedding!

At that moment, Claire made the decision to change everything. Determined, she joined a gym and committed to making a radical change. She lost 55 pounds in 10 months. Keeping this pace, she managed to lose 90 pounds by the end of a year.

Illustration de l'article : She lost 110 pounds for her wedding!

After finally losing 110 pounds, she was confident and bought the wedding dress she had always dreamed of. "We couldn’t believe we both had the abs we had dreamed of. A year ago, we were all flabby!".

Illustration de l'article : She lost 110 pounds for her wedding!

The couple finally got married on a beautiful October day. Thrilled with her results, Claire said, "I feel incredible. I feel healthy and I’m living my life with confidence."