The 10 biggest expenses you incur over your lifetime!
Today we’re addressing a serious topic: expenses. You can’t imagine all the expenses you incur over a lifetime. While some are essential, others aren’t so much... After reading this list, you will definitely rethink your priorities!

1. The legal fees for a divorce can cost from $2000-$9000.
2. $4500 is spent on rolls of toilet paper in a lifetime.
3. A woman spends $25,000 on her period over her lifetime.
4. Approximately $63,000 is spent on fuel in your lifetime.
5. We spend about $400 a month on food.
6. A wedding costs $14,000 on average.
7. Your child can cost up to $7000 per year.
8. A woman can spend up to $45,000 on shoes in a lifetime.
9. A woman spends $150 more than a man each month.
10. A smoker spends up to $2000 per year for tobacco.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!