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  3. The 14 Instagram photos you don’t want to see!

The 14 Instagram photos you don’t want to see!

Unfortunately, there are too many times you see the same kinds of photos on Instagram! Here is the list of the the ones you’ve seen over and over again! The 14 instagram photos you don’t want to see!

Illustration : "The 14 Instagram photos you don’t want to see!"

1. "I'm up above the clouds" ...

2. Photos taken in a room!

3. It's so beautiful outside today…

4. The life of celebrities

5. "Wisdom" with quotations

6. The blogger model who likes herself a little too much

7. "When I wake up!"

8. Pictures of food

9. Pictures of coffee

10. Photos that were never taken by the account owner

11. “Product Placement” pictures

12. "Hot dog legs"

13. Selfies using the “duck face”

14. “I'm on vacation, and you aren’t!”