The length of your thumb says a lot about your love life: We tell you everything!

In 2006, a study was done on the ratio of the index finger to the ring finger (the Manning index). But today we will focus on the thumb.
Aside from giving a “thumbs up”, would you believe that it can tell us more about the type of love life that we have.
Look at your finger and see if it’s type A, B, or C. Below are some of their special characteristics:
A. The top half of the thumb is longer than the bottom half
This type of thumb reveals a passionate character, loyal and extremely devoted. This obsession can scare your partner, and you may even neglect your work or school.
B. The two halves of thumb are equal
This is the best type of thumb of all! In fact, people with this thumb are calm and reasonable! Lucky people with this magical thumb are objective and never get carried away.
C. The bottom half of the thumb is longer than the top
This thumb is pretty good too. It reveals a sincere and dependable mind indeed. This personality has another hidden side, which is patience. In fact, thumb C people like to take their time, not rushing too much, and wanting to think about something 1000 times before acting on it. In their love life, it is clear that this person has full control.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!