These elderly people are looking at their younger reflections in the mirror. A project by Tom Hussey...
Some people really are artists at heart.

Such is the case with Tom Hussey. He's an ad photographer who had the genius idea to ask a few people of a certain age to pose in front of the mirror. But rather than see their current image reflected, he placed images from their younger days.
He owes his inspiration to a veteran who said he couldn't believe he was going to be 80 years old, when he felt like he was still young and in shape.
In short, the photos are really very moving and remind us of the importance of enjoying every moment, because one day it might be us in place of these models.
1. Chemist
2. Just getting his diploma
3. A very beautiful woman
4. Nurse
5. Mother
6. Fireman
7. Nurse
8. A beautiful woman from the 1960s
9. Young lady
10. The veteran with whom it all started

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!