This 420 square foot apartment is selling for 1 million dollars! It is also called the Swiss army knife of apartments

In big cities like Paris, Tokyo, and New York, square footage costs an arm and a leg.
So, to find the hidden gem nestled in these crowded cities, you may need to call on a genie.
Taking advantage of this trend, a designer named Graham Hill has come up with the idea of the century.
In fact, in an area of only 420 square feet, he offers all the comforts you could ever need. But to take advantage of his offering, you have to be able to afford a million dollars.
And this creation has been described as the "Swiss army knife of apartments".
Watch this video, and you'll understand why!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!