This family left their boxer in a kennel while they went on vacation. When they got back, they filmed his reaction, and not everything went the way they expected.
When the family decided to go on vacation, one of the members couldn’t go along with the group: Hannibal, the boxer, who had to stay in a kennel while they went on vacation. When the family members got back all tanned and relaxed to pick up the animal, they expected to see his tail wagging out of control and hear him crying with happiness. They weren’t counting on the dog’s strong personality:

The master is speechless when he sees the dog’s reaction. We hope that the jealous boxer won’t hold it against the family for leaving him out during their vacation, and that one day he’ll be able to forgive them!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!