This homeless man refuses to leave the store! A police officer approached and what he saw broke his heart...
You've certainly seen one of those videos going around the internet where a policeman can be seen beating civilians.

This phenomenon is best known in the United States.
Except that we shouldn't forget that there is good and bad everywhere in the world.
In fact, that's what we see with this man. He was called by the manager of a supermarket in the city of El Paso, who asked him to come and get rid of a homeless man who was squatting inside.
But when he arrived on the scene and saw this man, he realized that his condition wouldn't allow him to endure the cold night.
So instead of escorting him outside and taking him to a shelter, he offered the man a pair of boots, some warm socks, and gloves so he could have a chance outside.
So, with this small gesture, this police officer became a hero, at least for this man and he has restored balance.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!