This mom has revolutionized her disabled son’s life with this invention...

Sometimes we have to be faced with a unique situation to realize that we don’t have the right tools.
So it happens that some people may find themselves forced to create something to fix the situation.
And sometimes it's a total success for everyone.
Such is the case with Debby Elnatan, whose son Rotem has cerebral palsy. She decided to create a support harness for him so they could both walk together. The device she invented is called The Upsee.
The Upsee has the advantage of leaving both people’s hands free to do various activities, so they can fully benefit from walking. This invention allows families to walk around without using a wheelchair and therefore discover trails that weren’t accessible to disabled children before. The harness is a revolutionary way of getting around, giving people a chance to perform tasks they couldn’t imagine doing before.
You can read on their website: "One of the most touching moments came when Noah's little brother Luke was able to hug his brother for the first time. Because Noah was standing in the harness, he was able to hug his little brother back,” Stacy Warden said. "For the first time we can do so many things as a family," she added.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!